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.Wednesday, February 3, 2010 ' 9:31 PM Y

Everytime I see a police car, it reminds me of my dog, Amy. A few years ago when I was in Indonesia, Amy was my best friend at home. It would play with me and wait for me to be free to take out for a walk. When it was time to bathe, I would scrub it carefully.

One day, when I was not at home, Amy kept barking for no reason. Seething with rage, the maid shrieked as she opened the door ''Get out!''

''Bang'' a loud sound could be heard from outside. The maid poked her head out of th window to see what had happened.A white dog had been knock down by a car. There was a group of inquisitive onlookers crowding around the dog.

Curiously, my maid ran down to see what happened. When I came home, I saw what had happen to Amy. I quickily asked my parents to bring Amy to the vet. After a while I reached there, I handed Amy to the vet. When I asked my maid why did Amy was outside.''When I was making lunch , Amy kept on barking. I got irratated and .....then...I called him to get out of the of the house."My maid said. My stomach churned with anger and sadness at the same time. ''You!'' before I could say finish my imagination started to run wild. What if Amy was gone? I struck my face on the display window longingly, with my mother tugging me by arm and said, ''Amy will be fine, don't be sad.'' We waited for a few hours my mother told me to go back and rest but I refused. Then, the Veterian came out and said, "We did our best, we are sorry!" I dissolved into tears aupon hearing the news. I wished Amy would be okay, but things did not turn out to be what I dreached for.

I did not understand why Amy was gone as I hear that the gate was close. Then, I went to ask my neighbours who had witness what happened. "When the maid chased Amy out of the house she also opened the gate to let it out and got hit by a police car."

In the end, I forgave my maid but I will not forget this incident.

.Thursday, January 28, 2010 ' 2:14 AM Y

This picture is about Jeline and me when we are in kindergarden. This picture is took when we are resting and eating at the Macdonald. Although I don't really remember what happen that day but I think that before we come to the Macdonald we are blowing bubbles as (The right at Jeline's neck)there is a bubble container. I was so happy after playing for the whole day, of course not the whole day blowing bubbles but play many other interesting and fun things.

I am so happy to be with Jeline during those time as Jeline's father bring us to many places in Singapore to play. One of the reason why I like to be with them because during those time I just came to Singapore 1 or 2 years so I don't really know what is Singapore but Jeline and her father let me know that Singapore is a very fun place to play.

I am also very happy that I had been Jeline's friend from Kindergarden to Secondary School I wish I would be with her for JC or Poly

.Wednesday, January 27, 2010 ' 9:23 PM Y

I am Fiona Soewanto. I came from River Valley Primary School. My birthday is on the 9 November and this year I am turning 14.

I have a younger sister, and younger brother and a older brother.Many people say that I have many siblings but I think that is not a lot because one of my friend has 11 siblings.

I have a lot of hobby one of them is listening to music and another one is going online in the computer and chats with friends.

I really miss my primary school as i have been there for 6 years but I know that I should not miss my primary school and focus on my secondary school.

Thats all about me




new tops


tagboard. CBOX?


Chen Xia


Brushes:Adobe Photoshop, x x
Leave the credits alone, thanks :D